We are overjoyed, that once again we will have the honor of hosting Saotome Shihan for this special weekend seminar at Bond St Dojo June 5th-7th.
All affiliations are welcome to train and join in social events. We are expecting ASU members and Aikidoka from across the country. We encourage everyone to register early, and please plan ahead!
Given the limited access to Sensei’s teaching, it is important as his students to train with him when and while we can.
Cost: $150 pre-pay | $175 at the door | $50 per class
* Weapons training may be included. Please bring your own weapons or comment in the registration notes if you will need loaner weapons from the dojo.
CLASS / KEIKO SCHEDULE – 稽古予定 (Tentative)
FRIDAY, June 5th, 2020
5:30PM Registration
6:30 – 8:30PM Keiko 稽古
SATURDAY, June 6th, 2020
9:45AM Registration
10:00AM – 12:00PM Keiko 稽古
BRUNCH BREAK (Provided by the dojo)
1:30PM – 3:30PM Keiko 稽古
*Afternoon/Evening Social - Location TBA - "Celebration of transmission"
SUNDAY, June 7th, 2020
9:30AM Registration
10:00AM – 12:00PM Keiko 稽古
12:00PM – 1:00PM Local lunch outing for those available
Mitsugi Saotome Shihan
Mitsugi Saotome Shihan is the Founder and supervisory instructor for more than 100 affiliated Dojos of the international Aikido Schools of Ueshiba association.
Mitsugi Saotome Sensei has devoted his entire adult life to the study and teaching of Aikido. He began as a special apprentice with the Founder of Aikido, Ueshiba Morihei (O Sensei) in 1955 and continued for 15 years until the Founder’s death in April of 1969.
From 1960 until 1975 he taught at the World Aikido Headquarters (Hombu Dojo) in Tokyo, Japan. During this period he was accorded many positions and honors. He appeared publicly at many events in Japan and abroad for the purpose of spreading the understanding and knowledge of Aikido. In 1975 Master Saotome decided to leave his highly respected position as a senior instructor at Hombu Dojo and come to the United States.
In addition to regularly scheduled national and international seminars, he has taught many special seminars including a U.S. Military Special Forces seminar, special training of the U.S. Security Forces in Washington, D.C. and has spoken before the United Nations General Assembly on the role of Aikido in world peace efforts.
Saotome Sensei has published a number of highly respected books on Aikido including A Light on Transmission, Aikido and the Harmony of Nature, The Principles of Aikido, and Aikido: Living by Design. He has also authored several training videotapes.
[adapted from the Aikido Schools of Ueshiba website]
Seminar Videos
Mitsugi Saotome Shihan at Aikido Eastside in 2016
Courtesy of George Ledyard Sensei's - YouTube channel
Saotome Shihan at Redlands Aikikai August 2015
Courtesy of the Redlands Aikikai YouTube channel
Chicago Aikikai Two-Sword Seminar (1988)
Courtesy of the Aikido Schools of Ueshiba - YouTube channel
Bond Street Dojo
161 E 106 Street
New York, NY 10029
Phone: 212-477-0899